Groups we offer:
Adult-child -groups
(1-5 years), 45min

- Adult-child -group (2-4 years)
- Adult-child -group (3-5 years)
In the adult-child classes, you move on versatile scaffolding tracks and trampolines, developing body control together with your own adult. In the classes, the child plays the main role, but adults also get exercise. Skills practiced in adult-child groups include somersaults, various jumps, walking on a beam, hanging, swinging and ball handling skills. Learning takes place while playing, using music, nursery rhymes and various sports equipment. The children also learn the skills of working in a group in a safe and encouraging atmosphere. For an adult, the lessons are wonderful moments to enjoy physical activity together with the child!
239 €/ season
Teline-trampoliini -groups 60 min
(6-16 years)

- Teline-trampoliini 2 (basics)
- Teline-trampoliini 3 (continue)
- Teline-trampoliini 4 (advanced)
In these gymnastic-trampoline lessons, both rack gymnastics and trampoline gymnastics are practiced. In the gymnastics part of the class, you learn the basic movements of gymnastics and how to combine them on versatile balance lanes. In the trampoline training part of the lesson, different jumps and vaults and their combinations are practiced in the trampoline world. Gymnastics-trampoline lessons are available for children and teenagers of different ages, from beginners to experienced pros. Classes are very versatile and develop aerobic fitness, muscle strength, mobility, balance and coordination. The lessons are well suited for girls and boys, as well as side training for various sports such as ice hockey, soccer, indoor basketball and figure skating!
255 € / season
Tempputemmellys 1 & 2
(3-7 years), 45min

- Tempputemmellys 1 (3-5 years)
- Tempputemmellys 1 (4-6 years)
- Tempputemmellys 2 (4-6 years)
- Tempputemmellys 2 (5-7 years)
In Tempputemmellys groups, a child can start a versatile exercise hobby alone, learn new skills and practice working in a group. The skills practiced in the Temppetmellys 1 classes include, among others, somersaults forward and backward, various jumps, acrobatics on a pole, a beginner's cartwheel, a handstand belly against the wall, walking on a beam, and swinging ropes and rings. In addition, the skills practiced in the Tempputemmellys 2 groups are e.g. hips pullover, knee roll, straight leg somersault, eye of a needle, headstand against the wall and bridge. There are 1-2 teachers depending on the size of the group (max 12 children/group)
Parkour-trampoliini -groups 60 min
(6-16 years)

- Parkour-trampoliini 2 (basic)
- Parkour-trampoliini 3 (continue)
- Parkour-trampoliini 4 (advanced)
Parkour-trampoline lessons include both parkour and trampoline gymnastics. In the parkour class, the basics of parkour, combinations of the basics and free running, or parkour, are practiced in a variety of ways, with tricks sometimes being combined. In the trampoline section, on the other hand, various jumps, vaults and body control in the trampoline world are practiced. Parkour is also included in trampoline training. The classes improve muscle condition, endurance, agility, coordination, body control and mobility - the basic idea of parkour is to try to move efficiently and gracefully over or under various obstacles and platforms.
255€ / season
We offer 2 trial visits for new members (€15/time), without commitment for the whole season!
DO THIS: If your child has not participated in our groups before, register for the group, but don't pay the bill right away. If you then decide to cancel after one/two trial lesson(s), send us an email WITHIN TWO DAYS OF THE TRIAL!! This way we can modify the bill (1x15€ / 2x15€). If the information is not notified within two days or if you participate more than twice to the lessons, we will charge the full season fee.
Basic information:
- Note! Children are not insured on behalf of Tempputemmellyns.
- Training in a group at the right level is meaningful and developing! If you have challenges choosing the right group for your child, see below "How to choose the right group?" or contact us by phone. We are happy to help you find a suitable group for everyone!
- Arrive approx. 5 minutes before the class starts. Outerwear can be left in the hall's coat racks or cupboards.
- Bring a water bottle and flexible sports clothes to the exercises. Long hair should be tied up and dangling jewelry should be removed for practices.
- In addition to guided exercises, the season fee includes one weekly free training session, i.e. Omapomppu on weekdays from Tuesday to Friday between 14:00 and 15:45 (tell the cashier your name when you arrive for this free Omapomppu shift!).
- The groups practice once a week 16 times per season (autumn/spring).
We offer 2 trial visits for new members (€15/time), without commitment for the whole season!
DO THIS: If your child has not participated in our groups before, register for the group, and pay the bill right away. If you then decide to cancel after one/two trial lesson(s), send us an email WITHIN TWO DAYS OF THE LAST TRIAL!! This way we can return the sum (only you pay 1x15€ / 2x15€ for the trials). If the information about cancellation is not notified within two days or if you participate more than twice to the lessons, we will charge the full season fee.
If you miss the class:
- Absence times can be made up in another group of the same level or with an extra self-bounce visit.
- Look at the class calendar (below) for a replacement time that suits you, and send us an email/call and suggest the replacement class you want.
- If the group calendar says "full" for a group, it may be unlikely to get a replacement in that group.
- We ask for notifications of absences so that the place can be given to a replacement if necessary.
- Spring season 2025 starts in week 4 (20.1.25) and ends in week 20 (18.5.25)
- NOTE!! During the school winter vacation week (week 8), there are no exercises or Omapomppu included in the season fee.
- NOTE!! During the MayDay (1.5), there are no exercises or Omapomppu included in the season fee.
How to choose the right group?
Here you can read more detailed group-specific descriptions of each group.
You can also call us if necessary so we can think about a suitable group for your child together!

Adult-child -group
Adult-child groups are best suited for children aged 1-5 who are not yet able or willing to participate in a gym class without the constant presence of a parent. In these classes, together with a parent and an teacher, basic gymnastics and exercise skills are practiced!
- twisting
- climbing
- running
- bouncing
- hanging
- ball handling
- forward somersault

Tempputemmellys 1
Tempputemmellys 1 is suitable for children aged 3-6 who are already able to do gymnastics without the constant presence of a parent. In addition to the basic skills of exercise and gymnastics, the lessons also teach how to work independently in a group!
- jumping on a trampoline
- low beam walking
- handstand belly against the wall
- hands on a bar (oikonoja)
- hanging from a bar + leg lift
- forward somersault

Tempputemmellys 2
Tempputemmellys 2 group is suitable for 5-7 year old children who have already mastered the basics of gymnastics (see Tempputemmellys 1) The level 2 group includes practicing the following tricks:
- the basics of trampoline jumping
- high beam walking
- stepping with your hands while hanging
- on the bar somersault forward
- elementary cartwheel
- forward and backward somersault
- upside down hanging (with help)

Teline-trampoliini 2
Beginners, 6-8 years
Teline-trampoline 2 groups practice the basics of gymnastics and trampoline tricks, including the following tricks:
- hip pullover (with assistance)
- haging upside down
- swinging on a bar
- various basic trampoline jumps, jump combinations and body control exercises
- cupper / the beginnings of the flip
- bridge + falling to the bridge
- handstand
- headstand
- backwards somersault
- flying somersault
- cartwheel / arabian

Teline-trampoliini 3
Basic, 7-13 years
Teline-trampoline 3 group continues the basics of gymnastics and trampoline tricks. We wish that when the child moves to this level, he can master the tricks of the previous level (see the level 2). Teline-trampoliini 3 groups practices the following tricks, among others:
- cartwheel & arabian
- jumping from the lower bar to the upper bar
- swing turn on the bar
- hip pullover
- different combinations of trampoline jumping
- flipping and spinning
- the beginnings of the backflip
- flick
- half a volt
- front flip

Teline-trampoliini 4
Advanced, 8-16 years
Teline-trampoline 4 groups practice more demanding tricks and trick combinations. When moving to this level, it would be worthwhile to master the tricks of the beginner and advanced levels (see levels 2 and 3)! At level 4 we offer personal challenges for each.
- the beginnings of kip and giant on the bar
- spinning on the bar
- training for double volts
- butterfly to the side/front
- Arabic + flick/ backflip
- flick (+combination)
- half volt + combination
- front flip with twist
- back flip with twist

Parkour-trampoliini 2
Beginners, 6-9 years
In the parkour-trampoline 2 we start specializing in parkour. You can participate in the group without previous experience in parkour or trampoline gymnastics, but, for example, mastering basic skills at level Tempputemmellys 1 or 2 is an advantage. Movements practiced in the group include, for example:
- forward and backward somersault
- cart wheel
- basics of trampoline gymnastics and other trampoline body control training
- swinging on a bars and various hanging tasks
- precision jumps
- underbar
- cat jump
- the beginnings of kong vault
- roll
- step over
- wall spin basics
- monkey vault

Parkour-trampoliini 3
Basic, 7-13 years
In the parkour-trampoline 3 group, the basic skills of parkour are continued (see parkour-trampoline 2) and the learning of trampoline gymnastics is further developed. Practiced movements include, for example:
- kong vault
- speed vault
- wall spin
- monkey + double monkeys basics
- underbar
- lower bar <--> upper bar
- cat leap
- dash basics
- precision jumps
- wall run
- flips
- caer wheel / arabian
- back flip basics

Parkour-trampoliini 4
Advanced, 9-16 years
Parkour-trampoline 4 In the group, we delve into the more challenging movements of parkour and further develop the skills of trampoline gymnastics. At level 4, you should already master the basics and basic movements of parkour (see parkour-trampoline 2 & 3). Among other things, the following movements are practiced in the group:
- douple kong vault
- dash vault
- lower bar <--> upper bar + twisting
- wall run + wall flips
- flips with twist
- douple twists
- combinations and speed runs
- palm drop
We offer 2 trial visits for new members (€15/time), without commitment for the whole season!
DO THIS: If your child has not participated in our groups before, register for the group, but don't pay the bill right away. If you then decide to cancel after one/two trial lesson(s), send us an email WITHIN TWO DAYS OF THE TRIAL!! This way we can modify the bill (1x15€ / 2x15€). If the information is not notified within two days or if you participate more than twice to the lessons, we will charge the full season fee.