The autumn season starts on Monday 22.8 !
The autumn hobby season starts again in August, week 34 (22-28.8)!

There's still time to register, there are some free places available! Get to know the group offer and find a group of the right level for your child!
The season starts in week 34 (22-28.8) and ends in week 50 (12-18.12).
The season includes 16 guided exercises and Omapomppu on weekdays. During the school fall vacation week (October 17-21), there are no exercises or Omapomppu included in the season fee.
Fall registrations are automatically transferred to the spring term, if the place is not canceled at the end of the fall term.

We offer 2 trial visits for new members (€15/time), without commitment for the whole season!
DO THIS: If your child has not participated in our groups before, register for the group, but don't pay the bill right away. If you then decide to cancel after one/two trial lesson(s), send us an email WITHIN TWO DAYS OF THE TRIAL!! This way we can modify the bill (1x15€ / 2x15€). If the information is not notified within two days or if you participate more than twice to the lessons, we will charge the full season fee.
Welcome to happy hobby!